Welcome Session

Arif Pashayev

Rector of the National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan
Honorary Chair of ISUDEF'24

Adnan Özcan

Rector of the Eskishehir Technical University, Türkiye
Honorary Chair of ISUDEF'24

Abdulhamit Avşar

Rector of the İstanbul Ticaret University, Türkiye
Honorary Chair of ISUDEF'24

Planery Reports Session

Adalat Samedov

The first vice-rector of the National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan

Beken Seidakhmetov

Rector of the Civil Aviation Academy, Kazakhstan

Opening Keynote Session

Max. F. Platzer

Lifetime Honorary President of SARES, USA

T. Hikmet Karakoç

President of SARES, Eskişehir Technical University, Türkiye